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Code of Conduct

 The Regnier Family Wonderscope Children’s Museum is committed to protecting the health, safety, and well-being of all who enter our museum. It is our aim to provide an environment where everyone may learn, play, and grow in a safe, welcoming, and considerate environment. To this end, we have outlined specific expectations for museum guests.

We expect and appreciate your full cooperation with the following guidelines.

Waiver of Liability

By entering the museum, you agree, on behalf of yourself and any minor children accompanying you, to voluntarily assume all risk, including the risk of personal injury (including death) or illness, the risk of exposure to communicable diseases including COVID-19, or the risk of lost, stolen, or damaged property, arising from or related to your entry into the museum and participation in any activities on museum property. In addition, you agree that the museum will not be responsible for any such injury or illnesses, property damage, or other loss, and the museum is released and discharged from such liability to the fullest extent of the law.

Wonderscope ABCs

Always Stay Together!  Adult supervision required for children ages 16 and under. No exceptions.
Be Safe! No running. Walking feet only.
Clean Up! Leave exhibits ready for others to enjoy.

Diversity and Inclusion

Wonderscope is committed to serving and honoring people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations and physical abilities in a safe, educational environment that reflects the diversity of our community. As such, any use of inappropriate language and/or behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the museum with no refund.


Profane, obscene, or injurious language, text, or graphics on clothing or elsewhere on one’s person is strictly prohibited.

Shoes and shirts are required for those age 2 and older.


Photos/videos of those in your group may be taken for personal, noncommercial purposes.

Service Animals

Wonderscope permits service animals in the museum. Pets and comfort animals are not permitted.

Prohibited Behavior

Anyone engaging in the following behaviors may be asked to leave the museum with no refund. Wonderscope reserves the right to ask offending individuals to never return. Any behavior deemed criminal will be reported to local authorities.

  • Profane, offensive, abusive, or threatening language or behavior towards other guests and/or museum staff
  • Behavior that endangers one’s own safety or that of others
  • Fighting, provoking a fight, or engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct
  • Tampering with, defacing, damaging, destroying and/or removing any museum property
  • Use of hate language or symbolism, including expressions targeted at race, nationality, gender identity, sexuality, religion, age, education, or physicality.
  • Intentionally interfering with or preventing the execution of duties by museum staff.
  • Gambling, selling, soliciting, campaigning, or distributing materials
  • Indecent exposure; sexual acts or behavior
  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) on museum property (indoors and outdoors)
  • Eating or drinking in the exhibits; beverages in covered containers permitted
  • Other behavior determined by museum staff to be inappropriate


Prohibited Items

Anyone in possession of the following may be asked to leave the museum with no refund.

  • Weapons, including firearms, knives, pepper spray, stun guns/tasers
  • Illegal drugs
  • Hazardous materials
  • Fireworks or other explosives
  • Motorized transportation (mobility transport for persons with disabilities permitted)
  • Hoverboards, drones, or other motorized items
  • Skates or shoes with wheels
  • Other items determined by museum staff to be inappropriate


Wonderscope reserves the right to modify these regulations as necessary.

Our Museum

Accessible and Inclusive
Wonderscope exhibits – indoors and out – are accessible to those of various abilities, as are the restrooms, program rooms, party rooms, and other areas.

We also have a Relaxation Station for those in need of a quiet space and Sensory Backpacks for children with sensory challenges. 

Sensory Backpacks
Families love visiting Wonderscope, but the various levels of light, sounds, and activity in the museum can sometimes be very overwhelming for children with sensory challenges.

To make the Wonderscope experience more accessible and enjoyable for these families, Wonderscope offers sensory backpacks. These backpacks, generously donated by Variety KC, contain a collection of items that help protect the senses from being overstimulated.

Each Sensory Backpack includes the following:

  • Noise canceling headset
  • Weighted blanket
  • Dark glasses
  • Fidget toys


Sensory Backpacks can be checked out at the Welcome Desk on a first-come, first-served basis free of charge. Visitors are simply asked leave their ID at the desk. Backpack items will be cleaned and sanitized upon return and prior to reentering circulation.