Community Resources
Helpful Resources for Parents and Caregivers
You may have noticed Wonderscope has colorful orange circle signs around the museum, featuring tips for interacting with your child. These are Vroom Tips™, produced by the LUME Institute. You can access more of these tips online. Add learning to mealtime, bath time, bedtime, or anytime with 1,000+ fun, free activities! Click here to explore!

The Behavior Checker® is a resource created by the Raised with Love and Limits Foundation. Through this tool, you can learn strategies to address more than 200 behaviors and browse developmental milestones for ages 0-21. Click here to explore!
The community resources below were compiled by the Occupational Therapy students at KU Medical Center.
Infant Toddler Services of Johnson County provides early intervention services for children ages 0 to 3 who are not developing at the same rate as their peers. They provide FREE screenings for any child (aged 0-3), regardless of if they have a prior diagnosis. Find out more information and locations near you!
The CDC Milestones checklist is a great resource for parents/caregivers to see if their child is meeting typically developing milestones. These milestones are recommended by CDC pediatricians. Is your child keeping up with their age expected milestones? Check Here!
CDC’s Developmental Milestones | CDC
S.N.A.P is a federal program that may help improve access to quality food for families who are experiencing food insecurity. The website contains applications, frequently asked questions, and resources regarding school lunch programs. Learn more information here.
What is SNAP and How to Apply | Feeding America
Ages & Stages Questionnaire-3: This questionnaire is a valid and reliable resource for parents to use when evaluating developmental progress of children from ages 0 to 5½.This questionnaire can help you as a parent/caregiver determine if your child is typically developing.